



3 min read

3 min read

Centralizing workflows can provide transparency and improve your business

October 25, 2023


Archie Team

Centralizing workflows can provide transparency and improve your business

October 25, 2023


Archie Team

In the world of finance, the Accounts Payable process can often feel like a chaotic maze of paperwork, spreadsheets, and communication breakdowns. This convoluted system not only hampers your finance team's ability to work swiftly and accurately but also creates unnecessary barriers between your finance team, your events team, and your contractors. So, why should you care about revamping your current process? Let's break it down.

For the Finance Team:

Finance professionals often find themselves grappling with limited visibility, making it challenging to perform their tasks efficiently. How can they accurately determine the right payment for a DJ or verify the correctness of bank details collected when the entire process is shrouded in obscurity?

For the Events Team:

If you're a part of the events team, you've likely experienced the frustration of freelancers constantly hounding you for payment updates. The reason? Your current workflow is fragmented, leaving freelancers in the dark regarding the status of their invoices or payments.

This fragmented approach results in a seemingly endless cycle of back-and-forth communication, missed payments, and dissatisfied vendors. The cumulative effect of this chaos, with its manual processes and excessive reliance on individuals, leads to unforeseen costs. The relentless pursuit of updates, document retrieval, and contractors practically begging for information not only hampers efficiency but also adds stress and unpleasantness to the mix.

It's high time to bid farewell to these fragmented processes.

The Transformation through Centralization: when you centralize your workflow onto a two-sided, transparent platform, the benefits are substantial

Access to Information = Minimized Back-and-Forth

Our platform fosters seamless collaboration between contractor-facing individuals and finance team members throughout the project setup, invoice approvals, and payment processes. Whether you're on the finance team or another department involved in the Accounts Payable process, you can effortlessly access up-to-date information within the platform.

“I love not having to go back and forth with people about where the payment is - it gives me a lot of time back to focus on other parts of my job” - Mike from the Gerber Group

  • Curious about the status of a submitted invoice, its submission date, or who gave it the green light? We've got you covered.

  • Interested in checking the payment status and its date of completion? We've got you covered.

  • Want to verify if a contractor has submitted their invoice and send a reminder within the platform if they haven't? We've got you covered.

  • Need to bounce an approved invoice back to your internal team? We've got you covered.

Building Trust and Eliminating Freelancer Follow-Ups

Our platform also provides freelancers with their own login, granting them real-time visibility into the status of their invoices and payments. By making this information readily available, you ensure that your independent contractors are never left in the dark — fostering trust among all stakeholders involved.

Making the switch to Archie will make for a more seamless, transparent and enjoyable process for your businesses AND your contractors. By centralizing your workflow on our platform, you can bid farewell to the chaos of manual workflows, fragmented communication, and unnecessary stress. Onboarding takes 15 minutes — book your demo to see how we can help!

In the world of finance, the Accounts Payable process can often feel like a chaotic maze of paperwork, spreadsheets, and communication breakdowns. This convoluted system not only hampers your finance team's ability to work swiftly and accurately but also creates unnecessary barriers between your finance team, your events team, and your contractors. So, why should you care about revamping your current process? Let's break it down.

For the Finance Team:

Finance professionals often find themselves grappling with limited visibility, making it challenging to perform their tasks efficiently. How can they accurately determine the right payment for a DJ or verify the correctness of bank details collected when the entire process is shrouded in obscurity?

For the Events Team:

If you're a part of the events team, you've likely experienced the frustration of freelancers constantly hounding you for payment updates. The reason? Your current workflow is fragmented, leaving freelancers in the dark regarding the status of their invoices or payments.

This fragmented approach results in a seemingly endless cycle of back-and-forth communication, missed payments, and dissatisfied vendors. The cumulative effect of this chaos, with its manual processes and excessive reliance on individuals, leads to unforeseen costs. The relentless pursuit of updates, document retrieval, and contractors practically begging for information not only hampers efficiency but also adds stress and unpleasantness to the mix.

It's high time to bid farewell to these fragmented processes.

The Transformation through Centralization: when you centralize your workflow onto a two-sided, transparent platform, the benefits are substantial

Access to Information = Minimized Back-and-Forth

Our platform fosters seamless collaboration between contractor-facing individuals and finance team members throughout the project setup, invoice approvals, and payment processes. Whether you're on the finance team or another department involved in the Accounts Payable process, you can effortlessly access up-to-date information within the platform.

“I love not having to go back and forth with people about where the payment is - it gives me a lot of time back to focus on other parts of my job” - Mike from the Gerber Group

  • Curious about the status of a submitted invoice, its submission date, or who gave it the green light? We've got you covered.

  • Interested in checking the payment status and its date of completion? We've got you covered.

  • Want to verify if a contractor has submitted their invoice and send a reminder within the platform if they haven't? We've got you covered.

  • Need to bounce an approved invoice back to your internal team? We've got you covered.

Building Trust and Eliminating Freelancer Follow-Ups

Our platform also provides freelancers with their own login, granting them real-time visibility into the status of their invoices and payments. By making this information readily available, you ensure that your independent contractors are never left in the dark — fostering trust among all stakeholders involved.

Making the switch to Archie will make for a more seamless, transparent and enjoyable process for your businesses AND your contractors. By centralizing your workflow on our platform, you can bid farewell to the chaos of manual workflows, fragmented communication, and unnecessary stress. Onboarding takes 15 minutes — book your demo to see how we can help!

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