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How to avoid errors when onboarding freelancers

October 27, 2023


Archie Team

How to avoid errors when onboarding freelancers

October 27, 2023


Archie Team

How to Streamline Your Freelancer Onboarding Process

Working with freelancers offers incredible flexibility, but it also comes with operational challenges. Onboarding and collecting information to pay independent contractors compliantly can be a painful and error-prone process. Beyond the invoice, you typically require a freelancer's W9 form and bank information. Businesses should insist on having this information and verify its accuracy before proceeding. Failing to do so can lead to time-consuming back-and-forth communication or potentially costly compliance issues.

Manually collecting information from gig workers, such as bank details and W9 forms, can lead to processing invoices under the assumption that you have all the necessary data when, in reality, it might be incomplete or incorrect.

If you're still relying on email, spreadsheets, and forms to gather vendor information, it's time for a change.

Why Does It Matter?

  1. Human Error Creeps In: Adding another layer where freelancers manually provide their information, only to have it manually entered into your system, increases the risk of human error.

  2. Data Verification Challenges: The current data collection method makes it difficult to verify the accuracy of the information. Paying someone with incorrect W9 information, particularly in a PDF format, often leads to the discovery of errors when trying to process payments, causing delays and additional communication.

  3. Audit and Fine Risks: Onboarding vendors with incorrect W9 information can lead to complications during tax season, especially when generating 1099s, and puts your business at risk of fines.

  4. Inefficient 1099 Processing: With unverified PDFs scattered across folders or accounting software, your tax filing experience may become cumbersome, requiring additional follow-ups.

  5. Address Changes Impact W9s: Information on a freelancer's W9 can change when they move, and these changes often go unnoticed until the due date.

How Archie Enhances Your Onboarding Experience:

  • Effortless Vendor Onboarding: Invite vendors to self-onboard with a single click. Simply enter a contractor's email address, and an automatic invitation is sent, eliminating the need for manual data collection and entry.

  • Eliminate Human Error: Transform the process into a digital one, allowing for the verification of details, thereby minimizing the risk of errors.

  • Streamlined 1099 Processing: Enjoy the convenience of one-time digital W9s, simplifying the process of processing 1099s with just a click.

  • Ensuring Compliance: Our system conducts TIN Verification checks on every submitted W9, whether your contractor registers as an individual or a business. This ensures that all information is correct and compliant before approving and paying invoices.

  • Centralized Document Storage: Keep all vendor profiles, information, and documents in one accessible location, eliminating the need to collect W9s or banking information repeatedly.

With Archie, the onboarding process is not just streamlined; it's also more accurate, compliant, and efficient. Say goodbye to the headaches and inefficiencies of manual onboarding and embrace a smoother, more streamlined future for your business.

How to Streamline Your Freelancer Onboarding Process

Working with freelancers offers incredible flexibility, but it also comes with operational challenges. Onboarding and collecting information to pay independent contractors compliantly can be a painful and error-prone process. Beyond the invoice, you typically require a freelancer's W9 form and bank information. Businesses should insist on having this information and verify its accuracy before proceeding. Failing to do so can lead to time-consuming back-and-forth communication or potentially costly compliance issues.

Manually collecting information from gig workers, such as bank details and W9 forms, can lead to processing invoices under the assumption that you have all the necessary data when, in reality, it might be incomplete or incorrect.

If you're still relying on email, spreadsheets, and forms to gather vendor information, it's time for a change.

Why Does It Matter?

  1. Human Error Creeps In: Adding another layer where freelancers manually provide their information, only to have it manually entered into your system, increases the risk of human error.

  2. Data Verification Challenges: The current data collection method makes it difficult to verify the accuracy of the information. Paying someone with incorrect W9 information, particularly in a PDF format, often leads to the discovery of errors when trying to process payments, causing delays and additional communication.

  3. Audit and Fine Risks: Onboarding vendors with incorrect W9 information can lead to complications during tax season, especially when generating 1099s, and puts your business at risk of fines.

  4. Inefficient 1099 Processing: With unverified PDFs scattered across folders or accounting software, your tax filing experience may become cumbersome, requiring additional follow-ups.

  5. Address Changes Impact W9s: Information on a freelancer's W9 can change when they move, and these changes often go unnoticed until the due date.

How Archie Enhances Your Onboarding Experience:

  • Effortless Vendor Onboarding: Invite vendors to self-onboard with a single click. Simply enter a contractor's email address, and an automatic invitation is sent, eliminating the need for manual data collection and entry.

  • Eliminate Human Error: Transform the process into a digital one, allowing for the verification of details, thereby minimizing the risk of errors.

  • Streamlined 1099 Processing: Enjoy the convenience of one-time digital W9s, simplifying the process of processing 1099s with just a click.

  • Ensuring Compliance: Our system conducts TIN Verification checks on every submitted W9, whether your contractor registers as an individual or a business. This ensures that all information is correct and compliant before approving and paying invoices.

  • Centralized Document Storage: Keep all vendor profiles, information, and documents in one accessible location, eliminating the need to collect W9s or banking information repeatedly.

With Archie, the onboarding process is not just streamlined; it's also more accurate, compliant, and efficient. Say goodbye to the headaches and inefficiencies of manual onboarding and embrace a smoother, more streamlined future for your business.

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